#TikTokTuesday – 27 September

Tuesdays just got a whole lot more exciting! Take a look at the top TikTok videos that are trending in South Africa, Africa, and the rest of the world:
South Africa: A Matric Dance Entrance to ENTRANCE!
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Think back to your Matric dance and how you arrived at the venue. Now watch this video and feel entranced – and jealous!
Katekisa Munisi (AKA @its_rhandzu) simultaneously made adults wish for a dance redo and made Grade 11s feel the pressure after emerging from a sleek black car, dressed in a chic fit, at Emperor’s Palace in Johannesburg. And that red carpet, though! (Kudos to the uncle for rolling it out for the couple, even if it needed a little ironing.)
Africa: Every Shooting Scene in Movies Be Like …
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America, Philippines, India, China, Nigeria … these countries’ cinema industries have their own interpretations of how shooting scenes pan out, as shown here by @kingshagga of Nigeria. Which one do you think is more accurate?
The World: Good Art for the Fantasy Buff’s Soul
While some people are using (read: wasting) their time destroying perfectly good toilets, there are people like @miumia007 who’s putting their time – and exceptional talent – to good use.
Here, the Panama-based artist showcases his fantastic skills, using all sorts of both simple and mind-blowing artistic techniques to create a stunning scene that fantasy and nature buffs would approve of.